Sara Borchiellini, Freelance Interpreter and Translator
Italian is my native language and my work languages are English and German.

About me

My name is Sara Borchiellini, I am a Freelance Interpreter and Translator. Italian is my native language and my work languages are English and German.

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From interpreting to translation, business meetings and content curation. Discover all the services I can offer.

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Want to know me better? Read about a freelance interpreter and translator’s life.

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Contact details

Contacting your translator directly is the key to a successful translation!

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Sara è un’interprete e collega molto scrupolosa e coscienziosa con una vasta esperienza nel settore tecnico, con particolare riferimento al mondo dei motori a due e quattro ruote. Da anni opera come interprete simultaneista e consecutivista da e verso l’inglese e il tedesco dando prova di massima professionalità, riserbo e flessibilità. Con lei è garantito il successo della comunicazione ad ogni evento internazionale.

Marzia S.

Sara Borchiellini is a skillful translator and talented person who helped me speak to Italian audiences on a couple of occasions last year. I was not used to working with a translator and sometimes raced ahead in English and not pausing as often as I should have for translation. But Sara kept up, translating my ideas in a way that was true to their spirit. I knew she had done a good job because the audience had to an exercise based on my instructions. Thanks to Sara, they did an excellent job.

Collaboro da alcuni anni con Sara e la ritengo un’ottima interprete, che ha saputo crescere e promuoversi professionalmente, nonché una collega affidabile, reattiva e collaborativa.

Vania S.

„Ich dolmetsche schon seit Jahren immer wieder mit Sara Borchiellini in der Simultankabine. Sara ist eine stets gut vorbereitete, zuverlässige, äußerst professionelle Kollegin, mit der die Zusammenarbeit Spaß macht. Auch in stressigen und kniffligen Situationen lässt sie sich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen und bewältigt sie problemlos.“


Collaboro con Sara da ormai dieci anni e mi piace pensare di averle dato una piccola mano a entrare in questo mondo. Quando l’ho conosciuta era alle prime armi, ma mostrava già la serietà, la competenza e la stoffa che si richiedono a un professionista qualificato. A queste caratteristiche oggi affianca l’esperienza maturata in un decennio di professione. Con lei andate sul sicuro!



Robert N.

My services

100% Interpreting

Simultaneous and consecutive.

100% Interpreting

English-German translation/interpreting (without Italian relais)


Whispered interpreting

Business meetings

Liaison or B2B interpreting for negotiations


Technical and specialized translation

Sworn translations

Sworn/certified translations




More in-depth proofreading to improve text effectiveness.


Adapting the translated text to a specific target culture.


Writing down a spoken text.

Language lessons

Individual or group language classes.

Content curation for a specific language

Searching and selecting contents to strenghthen brand image.

Content curation for a specific language

Searching and selecting contents to strenghthen brand image.

Sales Dept. support services

To find new markets for your Company.

Booths and Systems

For simultaneous interpreting services.


Interpreters/translators teams for different languages

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